About Me

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I am retired and like to travel by motor home across the United States and Canada. In the winter I hope to spend more time with my WIN (Wandering Individual Network) friends in the California and Arizona desert. I know my trip reports are having too many details, but I am writing them for myself, if anybody else enjoys them, that is fine too.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Shelter Island and Point Loma 2009

In the morning we brought Jean Sinclair to the airport.
From the airport we went to Shelter Island. This is a man made island, with hotels and a park like setting.
One has a fantastic view of San Diego Bay and the sky line of the city.
The Japanese friendship bell and other tourist attractions are located on Shelter Island.

Our next stop was Point Loma. There we visited Cabrillo National Monument. The old and new light house and the statue of Cabrillo are located there.
At the Visitor Center we saw a movie about the Gray Whales and their migration to the lagoons in Baja California, to have their babies there.
The movie reminded me of my trip, last March, to San Ignacio Lagoon, where I was able to touch several mother whales and their babies.
After the film we had our lunch at a little picnic area and then took a walk to the light house.
The park is on a high bluff, it was breezy up there, but the view is always terrific.

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