We left Carlsbad shortly before 11:00 AM and arrived at Temecula at 12:00 noon.
At the place, were we were to stay, we were informed that we had to go to an open lot at the other side of the river.
The person, who gave us this information, wrote the number of the camp site on the back of our invoice. It looked like the number five, so when we arrived there, we backed into number five.
Chappy had told us that he and Dottie would be next to us.
Some of our Shanty Shakers Club members arrived shortly after us. We had a little gathering and then Doreen and I had lunch.
After lunch we walked to the theater, one of the two Bluegrass Festival venues, the other is an open air place.
The theater is only a few minutes from our camping area. I am glad we did not have to stay at the original place. It is further away from the theater and there is a lot of noise from I-15.
Staying in Old town is very convenient, the stores and restaurants are all in walking distance.
Doreen went into one of the stores while I went to check up on Chappy. I was told that he had not arrived yet. I asked for his site number, and I was told it was number ten. That made me suspicious and I asked for our site number. Ours was nine. While I was walking back, I saw Chappy’s motorhome passing the street where they were supposed to turn. I waited until they came back and jumped into the motorhome and guided them to their camp site. Then I moved my motor home to the correct site, next to them.
I called Doreen and told her what had happened and told her to come back.
Chappy was late because he had backed into a car at the gas station at Costco.
We got the chairs out and had a nice conversation. Some neighbors came by and joined us for a short while.
Dinner we had at Chappy’s motorhome. Doreen had made a potato salad and I made a broccoli salad and cooked hamburgers on the grill.
After dinner we talked for a few hours.
We left the motorhome at 10:00 AM and went to the farmers market, where they sell fruits and vegetables.
Doreen and Dottie went to several stores after we were through with looking at the produce.
When we were walking on Old Town Front Street, bands were playing at each intersection. We stopped and listened at one corner where four young children played bluegrass and country music. The youngest was 10 years old, and the oldest 15 years.
They were very good.
Chappy took us out for lunch at a Mexican restaurant.
After lunch we listened to the Sligo Rags band at the Old Town Community Theater. They seem to be one of the better bands at the festival. We liked them.
Doreen and I went back to the motorhome, where Rhonda and Frank Muzzy joined us. They live only a few miles from Temecula and were in town to buy a car. They bought a Honda, which they will be able to tow when they get their motorhome.
In the evening we watched a Victor Borge tape and a tape of “Brideshead Revisited”, an English TV show.
It rained this morning. Chappy and I walked to a restaurant, where Chappy bought a newspaper and Chappy had a coffee and I had a hot chocolate.
Shortly before 11:00 AM we took off in our rain coats and umbrellas. At the Old Town Community Theater we listened to the music of “Bluegrass Brethern”.
At 12:00 AM the “Sligo Rags” were on again. Since we liked them so much we decided to stay and enjoy their music again.
After lunch we walked to Old Town Front Street. While Doreen went into stores, I enjoyed the music of the bands which played on street corners.
The rain had moved on and the sun came out.
At 3:00 PM we went back to the theater and listened to “Bluegrass Etc.” At 4:15 PM the Claire Lynch Band started their program.
We stayed for 30 minutes and then went to an Italian restaurant, where the Shanty Shakers met for dinner.
We had not done much with the group at this outing and decided to go. We enjoyed it very much. The food was very good and so was the company.
We left Temecula at 5:15 AM and were home at 6:15 AM. After parking the motorhome we went back to bed.
Traffic was heavy, but it would have been worse if we left later.
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